Thursday, January 29, 2015

Saturday, Jan 31 Training Run from Pedro Fages

Self Supported Training Run on Sat, Jan 31 starting at Pedro Fages parking area on Sunrise Hwy (S1) beginning at 6:30 am.  Pedro Fages is located at the 36 green mile marker on S1 (1.5 miles north of Sunrise parking area). The run will cover the last 20 miles of the Lost Boys 50 course and will include sections of the San Diego 100 course as well.  Total distance would be approximately 28 miles.

The run will reach 20 miles at Lake Cuyamaca and then there are 8 more miles to return to Pedro Fages.  If anyone wants to just do the 20, they could arrange for someone to drop a car at Lake Cuyamaca and then carpool to Pedro Fages for the start of the run.  There is no water resupply until you get back to Lake Cuyamaca so be prepared for 20 miles without aid. 

Maps of the last 20 miles to include turn by turn directions are located on the Lost Boys 50 web site.  Directions from Lake Cuyamaca (from Chambers) back to Pedro Fages are located on the SD 100 website. 

Moderate pace and no need to RSVP. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Lost Boys 50 training run - Desert Section (Feb 28, 2015)

Save the date! 

Come check out the lower desert section of the Lost Boys 50 Mile course. All are welcome to participate, even if you are not planning to run the LB50.
  • WHEN: Saturday February 28, 2015. 7:00AM
  • WHERE: We will meet along the S2 highway just south of the Stagecoach Trails RV Resort (meet at the trail-head just south of green highway marker 21) Look for the yellow CAR LOGO on the map below for the meeting point. From there we will carpool to the start line of the LB50 at Pinyon Wash (which is at white highway mile marker 81 along Highway 78).
  • DISTANCE/RUN DESCRIPTION: From Pinyon Wash we will run approximately the first 15 miles of the course ending back at our cars along S2. The open desert stretch will be marked with ribbon but the dirt roads/trails will likely not be marked. Turn-by-turn directions and more detailed info about the run (including water drop locations) will be provided before the run.
  • RSVP: Yes, since we are carpooling an RSVP is required. Click here.
  • Check the training run page for more details as we approach Feb 28.
Hope to see you there!
Questions, please contact the Race Director:
Brian Gonzales

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Old West Trails Training Run

Old West Trails “sneak preview” training run INVITATION.
Saturday, January 31st, 7:30 am, distance 16.1 mile
Registration for Old West Trails is NOT required to attend.  We ask only that you bring a warm smile, and any trail pals you may wish to invite.    ( and a pot luck snack for a post run social)  
You will run from point to point!  Hooray!  A water refill location complete with cookies will be present on the trail after 7.6 miles!  Hooray!  Shelter Valley’s finest volunteers will monitor your progress with their excellent radio communications.  Hooray!  After completing this preview run, you will have experienced the entire Old West course, and having run just over half of it!  Hooray!
Please arrive at the staging area ahead of 7:30 am, as we need to promptly shuttle all of you to the remote start location for this run.  
After completion, all runners are encouraged to attend a “pot luck social” at the Shelter Valley Citizen’s Community Center, on Hwy S-2. ( next door to the Fire Station).   You drive right past the Community Center and Fire Station before arriving at the staging area for this “sneak preview”.
Please arrive at the staging area ahead of 7:30 am, as we need to promptly shuttle all of you to the remote start location for this run.  
STAGING AREA/TRAILHEAD PARKING/ASSEMBLY:  (Exactly the same as last season’s preview runs) From Hwy 78 turn south onto paved county road S-2.  Continue south past mile marker 18, 19, 20, and mile marker 21.  At mile marker 21you will see Stagecoach Trails RV and Horse Camp Resort on your right.  Continue driving past the campground entrance for 1/4 mile….then turn left onto a wide dirt road, entering a large dirt parking area within 200 yards.  We will have “ribbons” decorating a bush at this left turn.  No facilities are present at this trailhead.
You are expected to bring a trail map, or course diagram, or point to point course description.  The preview run course is only being marked at major intersections.  If you come alone, then partner up with others who are attending.  These trail aids are available at the “race info” tab at:  
The training run briefing is as follows:  Arrive before 7:30 am!
All runners will leave their cars at the staging area, and be shuttled to the start of today’s training run (the race day location of Plum Canyon Turn Around Aid Station).
Please arrive at the staging area ahead of 7:30 am, as we need to promptly shuttle all of you to the remote start location for this run.  
The runners will then run south on jeep road (CRHT, California Riding & Hiking Trail) for 1.5 miles.  Then at roads end, continue straight into Plum Canyon following the CRHT and reaching the summit after yet another 1.5 miles.
Continuing south along the CRHT on single track trail through the basin, across two sandy jeep roads, before reaching the aid station at Little Blair Valley road (known as the Stagecoach Saddle aid station on race day).
 At this point you have run about 7.6 miles.  Turn left at Little Blair Valley Road, and remain on this “main” road for an additional 6.5 miles, arriving at what is known on race day as the Blair Valley Turn around aid station.   You have now run about 14.1 miles.   Caution: many “lessor” roads lead you ‘off’ the main road in both Little Blair and Blair Valleys.  Remain at all times on the ‘obvious’ main road.
A volunteer at this location will “send you over the SECRECT SHORTCUT” past the aid station on Little Blair Valley Road, and back to your car…some 2 more miles from this point.  You will see the staging area where your cars are parked, long before you even reach this aid station the first time.
While this may seem confusing, if you print out the aids from the website, bring them with you, and also this briefing, the ‘mystery’ will resolve itself …and get you to the potluck before the foods all gone!
Happy Trails, and keep safe out there! 
Geezer Larry, RD    rsvp  

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Sycamore Canyon Training Run - Sunday 1/11/15 at 7:00 am

Sycamore Canyon Run - Sunday Jan 11, 2015:

Several of us are planning to run Sycamore Canyon this Sunday starting at 7 am from the parking area just past West Hills High School on Mast Blvd in Santee.  Single track trails with about a 26 mile loop.  You can turn early to shorten the course at any time.  Water available at 18 miles so be sure to carry enough to go that far.  Moderate pace.  No need to RSVP but we leave on time. 

Good luck to all who are running the San Diego 50 and Marathon this Saturday too! 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Self Supported Training Run on SD 100 Course - Sat, Jan 10 @ 7am

Informal Training Run starting at 7 am (sharp) on Sat, 10 Jan 2015.  We meet at Big Bend parking area on Hwy 79 which is located .7 miles south of Lake Cuyamaca and 1.2 miles north of Paso Picacho Campground. 

The run will cover the last mile of the SD 100 course then start up Sugar Pine Trail and follow the first 12 miles of the SD 100 course to Chambers 1.  This will be a total of 13 miles to Chambers.  Those who want to head back to their cars have another couple of miles around the Lake.  Some of us will go on to Pedro Fages (8 more miles and then return) to Big Bend.  Total about 25+ miles.  Anyone can turn back when they've had enough.  Water will be available at Paso Picacho and Chambers.  No need to RSVP.  If unfamiliar with these trails, all the maps and turn by turn directions are on the SD 100 website at;