Wednesday, April 23, 2014

San Diego 100 Training Run on Sat, Apr 26

Update as of 4 am, 4/26.  The winds and weather are very bad in the mountains this morning.  As such, I recommend this run for another date TBD.  I will however be at Meadows at 6:30 to meet any die hards who show.  We may reroute the course run and distance once we get there.

I will be running a point to point this Saturday, Apr 26 along a portion of the SD 100 course.  The plan is to meet at 6:30 am on Saturday at the Meadows Aid Station (parking on either side of Sunrise Hwy).  At that point, we'll consolidate cars and carpool up to Sunrise #1 Aid Station to begin the point to point run.  The distance of the run is about 28 miles.  There will be water at Penny Pines (mile 12) & then at Red Tail Roost (mile 22).

After the run, we'll need to drive some back to Sunrise to retrieve the cars that carpooled us up to the start.  Meadows Aid Station is at green mile marker #19 on Sunrise Hwy (about 4 miles up Sunrise from the I-8 exit #47.

This will be a moderate pace run, so if you are unfamiliar with the route, please bring turn by turn directions and a map from the SD 100 web site.  You will also need to have an Adventure Pass to park here for the day or face a possible ticket.  No need to RSVP but please be a little early since the carpool will leave on time.  Questions:

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