Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Cuyamaca Loop 2 Last Chance

A few of us are going to run the 2nd loop of the Cuyamaca 100K this Saturday the 26th @ 6AM

If you haven't run this loop and are running in the race next Saturday I highly suggest that you join us if you are free. This loop comes at a time when its HOT, and your TIRED, for me knowing what to expect makes things a little easier to push through. I hadn't run this loop prior to racing Cuyamaca 100K and in hindsight I really wish I did!!!

Anyhow, the more the merrier, we will be meeting at Sweetwater parking lot to start running at 6AM
total mileage looks to be 14-15, and pace will be mellow to moderate, as we are still a little beat up from last weekend!

Shoot me an email if you are thinking of making it,  that way we know to wait for anyone

Matt Whalen

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Mt Laguna Trail Marathon Course - Training Run on Sat, Sep 12 at 6:30 am

There will be a training run this coming Saturday (9/12) starting and ending at Red Tailed Roost parking for those not tapering for Noble Canyon 50K (the following weekend).  The run starts at 6:30 am sharp and we may break up into a few different pace groups.  Red Tailed Roost is located on Sunrise Hwy (S-1) at green mile marker 22.5 just across the street from the Mt Laguna Fire Dept.

The course will  follow the Mt Laguna Trail Marathon Course ( including sections on the PCT, Noble Canyon, SD 100, and Big Laguna Trails.  The total distance will be 31 miles but there are several cutoff's at which to cut it short or turn around for an out and back.  Water will be available at the Penny Pines pump at miles 10 and 20.  It will again be very hot so be sure to bring ample water, electrolytes and food. 

This is a great training opportunity for anyone entered or considering entering the Mt Laguna Trail Marathon which is scheduled for Nov 8. 

No need to RSVP.